10 Fun Facts about Black Beans

1. Helps manage blood pressure.
2. Helps with weight loss.
3. Aids in digestion.
4. High in protein.
5. High in fiber.
6. Helps promote heart health.
7. Helps manage diabetes.
8. Helps promote bone health.
9. Helps manage blood sugar levels.
10. Helps promote pre-natal health. 

Did you know?

Black beans are also called turtle beans.

10 Fun Facts about Cannellini Beans

1. Helps manage blood sugar.
2. Helps with weight loss.
3. Helps prevent colon cancer.
4. Promotes cardiovascular health.
5. Helps protect against skin damage.
6. Rich in antioxidants.
7. High in fiber.
8. High in protein.
9. Good source of iron.
10. Good for your skin.

Did you know?

Cannellini beans comes mostly from Italy.